Thursday, July 30, 2009

St. Thomas

A few pictures from our beautiful trip to St. Thomas.

Just another day in paradise! It was such an amazing trip and we hated to come home. Our hotel was amazing and the food was delicious.
We are back home now and I have 1 more day of work left! Wahoo! Then it's on to packing up our apartment, moving and a trip to Texas. I'm really looking forward to the next month. 22 days until I find out baby Huff's gender!!! :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

A routine check-up turned into another ultrasound today when the handheld heartbeat-finder couldn't locate our little baby's (definetly not complaining... Thanks for moving around so much baby!)

Wow, what a change from 8 weeks ago. (s)he actually looks like a baby now. We are totally amazed by this little life that God has created. We feel so blessed.

I love that cute little foot sticking out!

Already practicing, "TOUCHDOWN!"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Minnesota for the 4th!

A few snapshots of our long weekend with Charles' aunt & uncle in Minnesota!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Paper Back Swap

Charles and I recently signed up for this awesome website service. Basically you list all the books you dont want anymore like novels, or whatever books you want and people can browse and select your book. Once they choose a book, you mail it to them (usually about $2.50) and WA-LA! you get a "credit" which equals 1 free book.

It's amazing. We've found all kinds of great novels, brand new baby books that were $20 at barnes and noble, etc etc. All for free!

If you get interested and sign up, put our email in the referer list:

Here's the link!