Saturday, April 3, 2010

A little of this, a little of that.

We had such a great time over spring break visiting BOTH our families in Dallas. We miss them so much. Molly got to meet the last two of her aunties, meet her only cousin, meet her Great-Grandma, and hang with both grandparents! We're hoping to spend most of the summer down there, can't wait!Cousin Calvin is not sure what to think of Molly!

Grandma and Auntie!

Great-Grandma Evelyn "Nana"
Wearing the sweater that Great-Grandma Jean knitted me! Can't wait to meet you!

Whew! Spring break is tiring.

I'm kinda in love with this little face!

I love this picture! Grandpa aka "G-Daddy"

1 comment:

  1. OK in these pics she definitely looks like charles to me.
